What is Alpha?
Great question! Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith in a non-judgemental setting, typically run over twelve weeks. Each week, we look at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Everyone is welcome. Alpha is run all around the globe by most church groups.
Session include: Who Is Jesus? Why Did Jesus Die? How Can I Have Faith?
When is Alpha?
Daytime. Following the Alpha interest meal on Tuesday 7th January at 7pm, we will then meet each Tuesday afternoon from 14th January at 12:30 in the Courses Room (In the MEC next to The Community Grocery). We enjoy lunch, tea/coffee and cake, watch a video and chat.
Evening. Following the Alpha interest meal on Tuesday 7th January at 7pm, we will then meet each Tuesday from 14th January at 7pm in the Mess Café on Harper Road, Sharston. Before we watch the video and chat, we start each evening with a meal.