Baptism isn’t the thing that gives you eternal life. That amazing decision you made to ask Jesus into your heart did that already. Baptism is a public declaration of your faith in Jesus. It’s a time to show your commitment to put him first and follow him for the rest of your life. A time to share with the church and your family and friends about the difference he’s made to you, to publicly acknowledge that you are part of God’s family, the church.
Ready for baptism? Book in by contacting us or chatting to one of the leaders on Sunday and we will invite you to a short half hour session where we will go through things in more detail.
At MCC, we will baptise a young person if they are at an age where they understand what they are doing. Before that age, we would suggest a child dedication, where we dedicate your child to God and allow them to make that decision to follow Jesus when they are old enough to do so for themselves.